For over 100 years, we have upheld our Founders' vision, setting ourselves apart as an organization built on the ideals of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer WomanhoodLearn More »
We are moving Maryland with Momentum.
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We are a part of the Amazing, Astounding, and Trendsetting Atlantic Region. The Atlantic Region was formed in 1944.
Welcome to the website of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated-Iota Chi Zeta Chapter. We strive to promote the Sorority's principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood in our daily lives and through our chapter programming. Iota Chi Zeta Chapter members are committed to the expansion of the sorority's programmatic effort- The Extraordinary Power of S.H.E. - a chance for Zetas all over the world to be intentional about Social, Health, and Economic justice for women; and for us, especially for women on Maryland's Eastern Shore.
The women of the Iota Chi Zeta Chapter are intelligent, creative, and professional women from a variety of backgrounds who share the desire to give back to the community. As service is required on Maryland's Eastern Shore, we are thrilled to keep and expand our partnerships there. Adopt-A-School through our collaboration with Choptank Elementary, Prematurity Awareness, Stork's Nest, and Social Action are some of our chapter's focus efforts. We encourage you to explore our website to find out more about our chapter and our charitable endeavors.
Yours in Service,
The ladies of Iota Chi Zeta Chapter