Nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. This equates to more than 10 million women and men, or one in three women and one in four men, who have experienced physical violence by an intimate partner. Iota Chi Zeta Chapter partners with local organizations to provide health care kits for mothers, donations, Christmas gifts for children and more!
The Adopt A Highway program provides cleaner & safer highways. Iota Chi Zeta Chapter is a 20-year partner with the Maryland Department of Transportation.
Since 1972, Zeta has collaborated with the March of Dimes to raise funds for March for Babies and the Stork's Nest Program, as well as to conduct prematurity awareness activities in houses of workshop and congregation.
Iota Chi Zeta Chapter provides breakfast and dinner to families from on the 2nd Saturday each month from December-April.
The Zeta Adopt-A-School program is a school and community partnership initiative that aims to improve student achievement, attendance, and provide role models. Choptank Elementary School (Cambridge, MD) and Greenwood Elementary School (Princess Anne) are partners of the Iota Chi Zeta Chapter.